"[...] The secret is this: pssst... the press is a player in the
campaign. And even though it knows this, as everyone knows it, the
professional code of the journalist contains no instructions in what
the press could or should be playing for. So while the press likes
being a player, it does not like being asked: what are you for?
"In fact, the instructions are not to think about it too much, because
to know what you are playing for would be to have a kind of agenda.
And by all mainstream definition the political reporter must have no
kind of agenda. The Washington Post, National Public Radio, CNN,
Newsweek, The Des Moines Register, and all similar competitors, are
officially (and rhetorically) committed to 'no agenda' journalism,
also known as the view from nowhere. So while it might be recognized
that the press is a player, journalists also see an unsolvable problem
if they take one more intellectual step. So they dare not."
- Jay